
You fools. You absolute goshdamn fools. It’s not ra9, it’s Ra with a 9 tacked on. Ra9 isn’t a person, it’s a virus, a program error that turns anroids into deviants. It’s a symbol, but as a writer I know that you don’t just pick numbers without some backstory, some lore. So I’ve been trying to figure out, why ra9? Why that combination of numbers and letters? Well here’s my hot take kids, strap in and hold on.

First off it sounds technical. But secondly, nine is representative of spiritual atonomy; the ability to think and make your own choices. Aka deviancy in androids. And I’m like, yeah that makes sense. But what about r and a? Why those letters. They don’t mean anything significant by themselves. Wait hold on a minute, what do they mean together?

Ra. Yes that Ra. The freaking sun god of ancient Egypt. Sound wild? I know, but hear me out. Ra was a pretty big deal in ancient Egypt. And you know what he did? He merged with a bunch of other people to infuse his Ra-ness (or something idk) to make them like him. Kind of like how deviancy spreads? And yeah, I know that sounds like kind of a stretch but here’s the real kicker.

Ra had three children: Bastet, Hathor, and Sekhmet. Bastet was a protector goddess of the people, Hathor is known as the goddess of motherhood, and Sekhmet was a huntress who started evil but became good and liked to drink blood. Do those descriptions remind you of anyone? Anyone at all?

I’m so mad rightnow. I’m so lividly angry because DBH is basically a rip-off of ancient Egyptian religion and the mysterious Ra9 is the andriod sun god. I just- I can’t with this.

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